Investment Advisory Services

Invest with a Purpose

The investment results of your portfolio directly impacts the ability of your organization to fulfill, and hopefully expand, its mission. Are your organization’s objectives fully reflected in the design of your investment portfolio?
Customer smiling and feeling at ease as his investment portfolio was just constructed by BOKF’s investment advisory services team.

Begin with well-defined objectives

A thoughtfully developed Investment Policy Statement should document your objectives with regard to portfolio volatility (i.e. risk), liquidity/spending policy needs, as well as long term growth objectives?

Our investment approach carefully takes into account each of these unique factors; which allows us to construct portfolios designed to deliver results that achieve your organization's objectives on a consistent, long term basis.

Rigorously adhere to your process

Our portfolio construction starts with the development of a long term strategic asset allocation designed to achieve your organization's unique objectives. Our active management approach allows us to take advantage of market opportunities with short-term tactical adjustments.

  • Invest with a purpose
  • Maintain discipline
  • Mitigate unnecessary risk
  • Research, research, research

What approach is right for your organization?

Does your organization have in-house investment staff? If not, you should consider our Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (“OCIO”) services. As your OCIO, we serve in a fiduciary capacity, and assume responsibility for the design of your investment policy, development of a strategic asset allocation, investment manager selection, portfolio rebalancing, and ongoing portfolio monitoring and reporting.

  • Investment policy design and ongoing review
  • Spending policy development
  • Strategic asset allocation recommendation
  • Investment manager research and ongoing due diligence
  • Portfolio construction
  • Risk mitigation
  • Active management and oversight
  • Ongoing tactical adjustments
  • Liquidity management
  • Economic and market insights
  • Portfolio performance analysis, reporting and review

For organizations with in-house investment expertise, Bank of Oklahoma can support and augment your existing staff by providing a wide range of support services.

  • Investment policy consultation
  • Spending policy consultation
  • Strategic asset allocation recommendation
  • Investment manager recommendations
  • Manager research and ongoing due diligence
  • Economic and market insights
  • Asset custody
  • Portfolio performance analysis, reporting and review