Merchant Services

Efficient and Cost Effective

Want to make it easier to sell your services or products? Accepting card payments can make your business more efficient and increase your sales. At Bank of Oklahoma, we offer cost-effective and customized payment solutions so you can start making card sales right away.
BOK Financial's cost-effective and customized merchant payment solutions for business transactions.

The most convenient way to make a sale

Accepting cards allows for immediate sales, reducing your longer-term receivables. Your funds will be deposited directly into your checking account within 48 hours. And, you can easily look up daily or weekly deposit statements, in addition to your monthly statement of deposits and fees.

Accept a variety of cards

Your customers probably use lots of different cards, so we give you the option of accepting them. You can choose to accept any or all of the following methods of payment:
Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express credit and debit cards
Pin-debit cards from banks
Electronic benefit cards (EBT)
Gift cards

Assorted methods for accepting and processing

We offer custom payment solutions with the right method for accepting and processing payment. Depending on your business needs, you can choose to accept payments from a range of Clover products and services including:

  • Smart phones
  • Point-of-sale terminals or software
  • Internet virtual terminals or gateways
  • Custom integrated models

How to apply

Our business bankers are ready and waiting to discuss your business needs. You can call them at 800-234-6181, visit one of our banking centers, or schedule an appointment below.